NOTE: *YH is the shortened form of the name of the Father or the Son -.-- .... SEE NAME BELOW. As we were born into this world I know I speak the TRUTH when I say... I'd love to say this is enough evidence
So this is "love": "To know who we really are and get taught what we are supposed to be doing in our lives by the truth of our Creator's Word (true love)." Did your mother love you that much? Did she tell you who loves you? I love you. Feed my children... Did she beg you to know your Savior? Ok you did not get that kind of motherly You may be a total skeptic... Well I can So for the skeptics, non-believers and atheists (of which I was the most ardent atheist before I saw the science in the Sacred Script) we must venture deeper into "what or who" love is and what is real, to prove that we are created beings made to love and be loved. Is what I say possible? Then ask yourself... Does it matter?
Promise: The TRUTH won't let you down. THE TRUTH STARTS HERE: TRUTH #1: Knowing who we truly must worship, who is the true Creator of all things? ALSO: "Yes we are created beings." Yes we do have a Creator... Scripture says: "In Him all things consist" NOTE: The "Scriptures"are *scientifically provable in Hebrew. This is His love for us... His Word is beyond human design. So here I ask you to come know what love is all about, what or who love is... So who is He, this shepherd, what is His name? For He is love... His word for love is said AW-HAWB. Spelled with 3 letters: (Eng. equiv) AHB = awhawb (love) of our Creator. TIME TO PRAY and / or BE RECEPTIVE I have been shown, I have been taught, after much prayer about His true name and after many years waiting before I spoke a word of my testimony, the answer came to me by what I thought was a man, he turned out to be much more... It was then I was told and shown by His very own messenger (MaLaK / angel) that there is only one name for the Son... (Yes an angel told me) I pray you believe and receive because it is as the message was delivered to me here: THE SON'S TRUE NAME IS SAID... YA-SHUA SEE HIS NAME LIKE HE WROTE IT:
Letters of His SACRED LANGUAGE Written right to left ! Sounds like Joshua but there is no "J" in His language. His name starts with the "Y" sound as in YARD. TRUTH #2: The Father's true name is said I specifically asked the messenger of The Father's name and it's pronunciation. It is spelled with 4 letters from right to left also: YOD - HEH - WAW - HEH NOTE: Originally the letter known in Modern Hebrew as VAV was used several ways 'o', 'oo', 've', 'va' as today and in the Father's name the letter is pronounced as WAW making an 'oo' sound in the day that MOSHE wrote it. SEE HIS NAME AS IT WAS WRITTEN: His name phonetically spelled YAHUAH has a very unique sound. First say YAH as in HLLU-YH then say HOO and finish with AH. There you have it : YAHUAH... Do you want more truth? TRUTH #3: The one commonly called The HOLY SPIRIT is actually called... RUACH HaQADOSH (not QODESH because QODESH is a thing.) QADOSH (said: KAW-DOSHE) means SACRED or set-apart "being" referenced in the Hebrew section of the STRONG'S CONCORDANCE #6918 RUACH (said: ROO-AWK) means SPIRIT or air / wind - breath AND RUACH HaQADOSH IS WRITTEN LIKE THIS: So spelling from right to left again... HE - QOPH - DALETH - WAW - SHIN spells HaQADOSH So all together you have RUACH THE SACRED AND HE IS OUR COMFORTER... ALL THREE ARE ONE: THE FATHER (ABBA), THE SON (BANE) AND THE RUACH. (3 YET 1) IF YOU ARE A BELIEVER... Welcome to the family. "Family" in the Sacred Language is said MEESH-PAH-KHA. SHALOM, I welcome you my "mishpacha"! AMEIN. <<< Note the "I" letter in AMEIN say it as AW-MANE So that you do not say the name of any false deities. AMEN? Amen = false deity name. See EXODUS 23:13 : And now everything which I have said to you, be on your guard the name ALHYM of others not mention not let be heard out of your mouth. HERE IS AN EXAMPLE OF THE SON'S NAME ... PROOF! : Yes the verse above is telling of Joshua the Son of Nun and is a model of YASHUA to come as the Sons of Ysrael HLLUYH to the Lamb. NOW THAT'S THE TRUTH! TRUTH #4: THE BOOK COMMONLY CALLED Yes that's right... The book that almost every pastor preacher "Bible" scholar and priest will say is the perfect, absolute, infallible word of "G_d" is incomplete in any language outside of the original. ALSO NOTE: The word "Bible" derives from a female pagan fertility deity called B Y B L I A. This word is not found in Scripture so calling the writings after this deity is not a good idea. Do not take this personally if you are never going to study or research this issue. By walking away from this issue you really are saying "I do not understand and will never be smart enough to overstand anything anyhow." NOT TRUE! I will now be bold enough to say to any person man woman or child, atheist or faithful who is able to read or see this... We are created beings and He has given each of us a good mind to see learn and discern... Now it's time to use the mind we have and receive some teaching and it's all provable. "WHY IS MY BIBLE INCOMPLETE?" I was hoping that was the question. For the answer you have to go back to the Hebrew translation and even the Modern Hebrew can explain this. Here I have a photo of verse 1 in chapter 1 of the book commonly called Genesis (originally called BERASHEET) in a Modern Hebrew, Greek, English format out of an Interlinear Scripture I purchased from Take a look for yourself: PROOF! : Look at the word after G_d (read right to left)... Guess what? YES! It's true and it never got translated, The un-translated modern Aramaic script of ALEPH and TAU... Right after "ALHYM (G_d)" and before "the Heavens"... See it? No information of these most two profound letters is anywhere in the English translations I've read... Why? There are also several sites online that teach of this same issue... STUDY TO SHOW THYSELF APPROVED! The meaning of ALEPH TAU is the First and the Last. The first letter and the last of the Hebrew (IBREE) ALEPHBEYITH This ALEPH TAU has a meaning... Each letter in the Sacred Language (The Lashon Qodesh) has a meaning. So, ALEPH = AB/LEADER and TAU = CROSS. An insight here is to be found in the fourth word of Scripture: Genesis (BRASHYT) 1:1, the ALEPH & TAU together pronounced AYTH means LEADER on the CROSS. I know this ALEPH TAU has been a stumbling block for scholars for many generations... Wow, an (((UN-TRANSLATED))) word in scripture that tells you everything about our Master Creator? WOW! HLLUYH! Why would anybody on Earth leave this out of Scripture? Well, maybe the one responsible is not from Earth? Hmmm, who is he? REBUKE THE DEVIL AND HE WILL FLEE FROM YOU. NOW THAT'S THE TRUTH! What did the original verse MOSHE (MOSES) wrote, as YAH ALHYM breathed it... look like? OUR EXAMPLE: NOTE: All these things above concerning our Creator's NAME to the ALEPH TAU is provable from within His original Sacred Scripture (The Lashon Qodesh). Pray that His Word be restored. TRUTH #5 LOVE IS FREE (GRACE) Give the most unconditional gift any How about just spending some time Get out from in front of the T.V. or this MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL! Stand up and live a life worthy of His love. AMEIN, J. Lamberte ALSO:* IF you are still looking for the The evidence is in the actual design Any questions or comments or e-mail J.Lamberte Home of ALEPH TAU MINISTRIES ALSO NOTE: The missing ALEPH TAUis our logo and why we must preach THE TRUTH.